Our Services

Malaria Tablets

Which malaria tablets do I need?

Which malaria tablets you can use depends primarily on where you’re travelling to. The malaria parasite in some parts of the world has developed a resistance to chloroquine. If you are travelling to any of these countries, you need to take Malarone or doxycycline to be protected.
During your travel consultation, our pharmacist will tell you which antimalarials are suitable for the country or countries you’re travelling to.

Which tablets are best for you also depends on your medical history and the activities you have planned. Doxycycline can increase your sensitivity to sunlight and may therefore be less suitable if you’re likely to spend extended periods of time in the sun.

If several types of malaria tablets are suitable for your itinerary you can choose whichever you prefer – some travellers prefer to take tablets daily whereas other find it easier to remember taking their medication if it’s taken daily.

Types of malaria tablets

• Doxycycline: from £0.65 per tablet – take one tablet per day from two days before you travel and continue for four weeks after your return.
• Malarone: from £2.00 per tablet – take one every day from two days before you travel and continue for 7 days after your return


Per Dose £0.65-£3.00
Course Depends on duration of travel
Pack size Differs between brands
Price £0.65-£3.00 per dose


39 Lyefield Rd W
Charlton Kings
GL53 8EZ, UK

Store Hours

M-F: 9am - 1pm
& 2:15pm – 6pm
Sat: 9am - 1pm
Sun: Closed

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